Monday, October 26, 2009

Memorial to Cro Communists

Angel at Mirogoy

Mirogoy is the name of the big cemetry in Zagreb, people say one of the most beautiful in Europe. Can be true, or lets say we like the place cos it is a big park with great history of Cro people as a nation!

Edo Murtich Grave

Edo Murtich was a famous Cro abstract painter and antifascist. Here is his work where his bones are.

Ashes ...

... of my mother in law. All what I can say she was an excellent person, never ever ...

Cemetry Zagreb

In our culture the first day ot November is The all Saints Day, actually remembering to all who have pasted away!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Park in the City



Photographing the staff in garden was really good cos nobody was there. It is very healthy for retired people to garden.

The tram

The people are not happy with photographing in tram etc, they dont understand documentary and wish of photographers to take smth really good. It is like spying with eye contacts etc, asking for smth, I really dont understand. In N Z it was not the issue, people are totaly different there. I made collection of taxi drivers portraits and all were happy when I have asked to photograph.

Understanding of Photography

Long time ago the black and whites like these two in here were my idea what is the photography about. Later starting to live in N Z I have learned so much from N Z artists and Gloves are smth as a result of that. I am not more on side of Photo/Camera Club photograhy although it is the only way how it works here in Croatia. I was last month at one meeting with Photo or Camera Club photographers and it was very far from creative approach.

Extensive Way of Life

Croatian Hillside/Hrvatsko Zagorje